VPN Is an abbreviation for Virtual Private Network and means : virtual private network
It is a connect two or two networks together via the Internet,

Its new tech based in (SSL TLS protocol) work to connect through tunneling Protocol (ipsec-vpn) = the local server you 're using, to make your connect with the network Encrypted "safe.".
Another Internet security systems in widespread use, such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Shell (SSH), run in the upper levels of the TCP IP model. In the past, the use of TLS SSL had to be designed into an application to protect the application protocols.
In direct contrast, since first day , applications program did not need to be specifically planed to use IPsec. Hence, IPsec protects any app traffic across an IP network. This holds true now for SSL besides with the rise of SSL freed base vpn rotation with effectuations like Open vpn.
What protocols are supported by the vpn client technology?
PPTP : Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol.
L2TP : Layer Two Tunneling Protocol and the two main protocols.
It is a security system protocol of IPSec VPN includes some strong encryption techniques to protect your data from the world of VPN.
The disadvantages and advantages for ipsec vpn :.
Disadvantages :
1 - IPSec and still so far in the process of the experiment.
2 - If you have not documented users and networks categorically there will be an opportunity for hackers to get to your data.
Features :
1 - saves much of money, especially in computer hardware costs.
2 - manageable and more affordable.